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Q&A with our produce buyer

In this blog, we’re exploring the complexities of procuring fresh produce from suppliers. Join us as we uncover the criteria and certifications we seek in new suppliers, alongside our approaches for price negotiation and managing diverse sourcing considerations in this ever-evolving field. Explore how these behind-the-scenes operations can influence the accessibility of the fruits and vegetables we relish, from cultivation to consumption. 


Any supplier to the business must be proven and established, and therefore reputation is extremely important. We also consider their financial stability and assess their adherence to industry standards and regulations, as well as their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. By thoroughly evaluating these criteria, we ensure that we partner with suppliers who align with our values and can contribute to the success of our business. 

Depending on the product and origin, the accreditation we use may differ, from small producers trading under the SALSA scheme, to major producers adhering to LEAF, Assured Produce, and BRC. 

All suppliers have to meet our company criteria to even be considered. We conduct regular audits and maintain open communication to address any concerns promptly. Our commitment ensures consistent delivery of fresh, safe products to our customers. 

We maintain regular dialogue with our growers, enabling a collaborative approach to highlighting and managing any supply concerns or challenges promptly to ensure the stability and diversity of our supply chain while maintaining consistent product availability for our customers. 

Innovation tends to relate to how something is grown rather than the product. Innovation that relates to varieties can take years to evolve, and by working with the right growers, we gain insight into what is in the pipeline, as many of our growers work with seed houses on development. Trends in the industry are seen sooner within the retail sector; however, most growers that supply us also supply retailers, so we are aware of any new varieties that are being developed. 

We believe that sustainable supply chains not only contribute to environmental conservation and social responsibility but also foster long-term resilience and efficiency. We actively seek out suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to sustainability through their investments in innovation and responsible practices. 

We always enter into new relationships with the understanding that we are looking for supply partners and not just for a single season. Our strategy is long-term relations, which can be demonstrated by the number of suppliers who have supplied us for +5 years, +10 years, +15 years, and +20 years. This makes a beneficial agreement for both parties. 


All growers are expected to supply to a product specification that is determined to meet the customers’ requirements. We implement regular quality assurance checks and inspections across all suppliers. This rigorous approach allows us to monitor consistency in product quality and freshness, identifying any deviations and taking corrective actions promptly to maintain high standards across the supply chain. 

Collaborative procurement – We engage in transparent discussions to identify areas where costs can be optimised while maintaining quality standards. By fostering a cooperative relationship, we can explore various options, such as volume discounts, long-term contracts, or value-added services, to achieve favourable outcomes for both parties. 

Regular supplier reviews are in place to uphold high standards. This is somewhat subjective and requires a good knowledge of the market to make assessments. For example, there could be major supply or growing problems where a supplier excels, even though quality issues are higher. On the flip side, it could be a perfect season; therefore, even though there are low levels of problems, this could be higher than acceptable. 

Strawberries growing

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